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Advantages of Therapeutic Massage. Health is the state of the normal functioning of the parts of the body. Several parts make up our body. All these parts must healthy for our body to coordinate well. There are a couple of some factors that can make our body be healthy. Expect things like diet, therapy, and exercise make our body healthy. Exercises have been known to help the body become healthy. Exercise reduces the amount of fat in the body. Exercises are beneficial to those who are overweight. Exercises help the body to be strong and flexible. Technology has led to the production of exercising machines. We have a vibration machine as an example of an exercising machine. A vibration machine makes the body muscles and joints to be stimulated. Diet constitute of the many foods we eat. Healthy foods have all the required nutrients needed for the health of the body. Proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins are kinds of nutrients found in foods. Meat and eggs are kinds of healthy foods.
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It is possible to make our body free of diseases and attacks by physical protection. Expect the observation of general cleanliness to protect us from contamination. Foods contamination for example can be the root cause of many kinds of diseases. Expect therapy to help in the treatment of diseases. Various drugs such as painkillers can be used to treat diseases. Expect regular deworming to help us in the control of parasitic worms in the body.
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It is also possible to make our body healthy by frequently visiting our doctors for medical checkups. For instance we can be visiting dentist frequently for the health of our teeth. There are many types of treatments. We have massage therapy as one of a type of therapy. Therapeutic massage is the physical rubbing of the body parts. The function of massage therapy is the stimulation of the muscles and nerves of the body. Massage therapy is done for the purpose of treating the psychological and physical maladies. Therapists are also entitled in offering advice to their patients on other methods of treatments. There are some benefits of massage therapy. It is possible to cure depression by use of massage therapy. Therapeutic massage works by lowering the level of cortisol and elevating the amount of dopamine in the body. It is possible to strengthen and make the body to be flexible by stimulating the joints, muscles, and ligaments. It is possible to reduce the pain in the body by therapeutic massage. Therapeutic massage works by stimulating the joints and connective muscles thus lessening pain. Expect massage therapy to help in the improvement of immunity in the body. Immunity of the body is boosted by increase in the cytotoxic activity of the body.